Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oh procrastination. I don’t know about all of you, but I have a serious procrastination problem – and it has a close link to my last posting on stress. Procrastination tends to just add onto stress that you already have. It’s a quick fix – you can do something better right then, but it always comes back to bite you in the butt. Even though I’m a pretty good procrastinator, the one thing that saves me is having to-do lists. I find if I write down things that I have to do it helps me organize my time and not forgot things. Plus, it’s so rewarding to cross things off your list and actually feel like you got something done. However, for us serious procrastinators, to-do lists just might not cut it. I found a few interesting tips at

1. Anticipate future assignments.
2. Don’t put assignments off until the last minute. I find this one a bit obvious….
3. Do hard assignments first. I personally don’t really like this one – I like to get small ones done so I can cross them off my list and not have them hanging over my shoulder. Plus, it starts the process of being productive without the frustration of a difficult assignment.
4. Work on large assignments in chunks.
5. Use a planner.
6. Expect the unexpected.
7. Just get started.
8. Page numbers. I find that one of the easiest ways to avoid procrastination when it comes to reading a chapter is to avoid looking and counting the page numbers. If you are constantly looking at what page you are on and counting to see how many you have left, you’ll never get done.
9. Avoid distractions. This is really hard to do in college since wherever you go there are tons of people, but if you can find a secluded spot or time of day to work, you will be way more productive.
10. Reward yourself. I love this tip. Personally I use food or social activities to bribe myself. This way you work really hard to get something done and there ends up being a positive experience.


DumbFun said...

Being a good procrastinator is easy for sure, it's being organized that is hard. I wish i could be, then i wouldn't be up so late every night. I definately agree with your list. Just putting it into action is hard. I'm gonna procrastinate on the "fighting procrastination" assignment though haha

yum1234 said...

I am definitely a procrastinator. I cant help it. I feel more pressure to get it done if it is due tomorrow. If I try to do it a week in advance, I think so myself "I don't need to do this now." So I don't. I will try the list and maybe it will help. Maybe I won't be up late doing my homework anymore.

lowdiver said...

Unfortunately, when it comes to some rewards especially things like social activities, the rewards can become distractions. That is the major problem I have right now. I tell myself I will do something or go somewhere if I get this assignment done, but when the assignments not done maybe because it was a big assignment then I have to fight with myself about wanting to go do what I said I would do only when I got done. What I need is just a little more self-control, which I think is one of the majority of people's problems.