Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wave on Wave

What a week! Stressful days somehow always manage to pile onto each other making for one stressful week. I am never ready for the “wave” of tests and projects that always seems to come about every five weeks. I get used to my routine of doing homework and studying. I have time to do practice problems, read, and stay on top of my assignments plus socializing, eating, exercising, and sleeping! Then the wave hits and all I do is study, study, study.

The wave hit me this week. I had tests Monday and Tuesday night, and I just finished my third test this afternoon. It seems like all I have been doing is constantly studying, but the tests are finished now. The wave has finally come crashing down...and so have I. I generally feel a mixture of emotions after the wave has passed.

1. Tiredness

2. Relief

3. Ickyness

The general feeling of ickyness can be attributed to the fact that all I have been doing is eating, going to class, eating, studying, class, snacking, studying, and studying again. I have barely had time to sleep let alone exercise. My body is not appreciating that right now.

After riding the wave the best feeling for me is being able to sit down, relax, and do absolutely nothing after the last “stressor” is finished. I enjoy getting back to my routine and having time to socialize, sleep and exercise –which allows my body to like me again. Unfortunately, I then remember I should start preparing for the next big wave to hit me by catching up on the homework and preparations I didn’t get done since I was studying.

Oh the good ol’ life of a college student –the waves just keep coming.


Survivor said...

I agree with you on this one! It all of a sudden hits you and I had three exams this week monday, tuesday, and wednesday and it feels like all you get accomplished is studying! But afterwards its so relieving and then you can relax which is the best part! Hopefully you did good on your exmas this week!

Unknown said...

I can totally agree too! The thing annoying about college/ school is that midterms for any class always seem to happen very close to one another. And even after you completed all the reviewing and cramming for those exams, the "relaxing" stage gets rather boring after a couple times. College life so far is almost too predictable.

Lindsey Deno said...

So my tests were actually 2 different weeks, but from here on out they are back to back... I feel like I can't even keep up! I have to jump from one class to the other, when I should have focused a little longer on that math homework...but I had to do my chemistry homework before six!! You know how it goes...What are some tips on being able to actually learn from your homework rather than just rush through it to get it done because you have 500 other things to do that day?