Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ways to prevent getting sick in the dorms

It seems like once one person gets sick in the dorm we all do. It’s simply from people living so close together in the same building that germs are easily passed around. But don’t worry there are things you can do to stay healthy even living in a dorm.
First of all WASH YOUR HANDS, yes you hear it all the time but it’s true. Your hands are really big germ carriers. According to the article “Preventing the common cold” People get sick from touching their nose or eyes after coming in contact with germs. The best way to prevent this would be to simply wash your hands. Also washing your hands with just water doesn’t cut it, the soap is what lifts away dirt from your hands. It’s also important to wash your hand for a full 10 to 15 seconds in order to get rid of all germs.
Another way to avoid getting sick would be don’t share cosmetics. Eyeliner and mascara can be huge carriers of bacteria that you can easily get buy using some else’s make up. It’s also important to buy new make up frequently so bacteria doesn’t have that much time to grow. Your close can also carry germs so try not to let big piles of clothes sit around unwashed your room will be cleaner; you will smell nicer and stay healthy.
The article also suggests getting plenty of sleep and exercise, which can be difficult being a busy college student. It helps build up you immune system when you do come in contact with germs. Also drink plenty of water and try to eat healthy, you will feel much better and your body will be more equipped to fight off disease. You also might want to try keeping your toothbrush clean. It’s easy to set it down in the bathroom not realizing the germs it could pick up, so it would be a good idea to buy a new toothbrush every month or two to reduce your risk. Another obvious tip would be to stay way from sick people, this way you won’t be exposed to their germs because people are most contagious when they are sick.
If you do happen to get sick give yourself time to recuperate. It’s important to get plenty of rest to help your body fight off the infection. Also make sure not to share drinks or food with other people so you don’t pass on your sickness. If you follow most of these tips (especially washing your hands) you will greatly reduce your risk of getting sick even with living around so many people.

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