Friday, September 7, 2007

My Recent and General Findings

Although I have only been at Purdue for all of around three weeks I am getting accustomed to my new college life. I guess I could say that adjusting hasn't been as hard as I though it would be. I remember the first week all I could think about was how I was going to be so lost around campus and most likely come in late to every one of my classes. I was determined to not look like the average freshmen with their map out in front of them and a completely confused look on their face. I have definitely sported the confused look on campus, but I decided to look at my map before I left for class and it worked out pretty nicely. Luckily for me I have yet to get lost, which really surprised me but I'm definitely not complaining. Although many of the buildings do look familiar I am now able to differentiate them some how.

I also remember not being particularly happy with the fact that I have an hour break between classes once a day. I didn't know what I would do for that hour; I didn't even know where the libraries were located. As a result, I started going to the union during that break, finding a comfy couch or chair, and catching up on some reading for a class that was due in a couple of days. It is a nice habit I have gotten into and it really helps me force myself to get some homework done. Also, if anyone is looking for a place to take a catnap between classes, I have noticed the union is also pretty popular for that, so you might want to check it out. Just a suggestion. Anyways I have come to find that perhaps those hour breaks were actually a blessing in disguise.

Another worry of mine was living in this crammed dorm. Although it isn't the best experience, I can say that it has helped me become more organized. This was a big shocker! However once again I can't say I can complain about that one. It's nice to know where everything is and because there aren't too many places to put things it's quite easy to know where things are. All in all I am confident in saying that I am completely enjoying my college experience thus far. I can't wait to report the rest of my findings here at Purdue...until then boiler up!!

1 comment:

Insignificant Wrangler said...

I find those chairs can get dangerous later in the semester, many times reading time morphs into nappy time.

But, if comfy chairs are your thing, you can also check out the Village Coffee shop or Vienna coffee shop. Both have comfy chairs.

And caffeine, which helps with the napping.