Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Living with a Roommate

For the majority of college freshman, this is the first year that they will spend living with a roommate. This means sharing about half as much space as you’re used to with a person that you have possibly never seen before. I found some tips about living with a roommate online, and I’m sure a few of them could help out. (click on the title of the post to see site).

-Communicate: agree on rules and talk about potential issues before they become a problem.

-Don’t beat around the bush and drop hints when there’s a problem – it’s better for both parties if you are straight up and honest about and issue you are having.

-Practice common courtesy when it comes to visitors – determine general rules for visitors right off the bat, especially for weeknights.

-Set a policy about borrowing each others’ things, and make sure you always ask before using something of your roommate’s. When you want to borrow something of theirs, think about whether or not you would care about sharing something similar.

-Be flexible – be willing to adjust to your roommate’s schedule and realize that he or she has the right to visitors and the right to ask for privacy. However, don’t be flexible at the expense of your own health or grades.

-Try not to get caught in the middle of your roommate’s issues. Personal issues with their friends, family, significant other, etc. are theirs. Don’t offer advice unless you are asked because chances are you don’t know the whole situation.

-Be considerate about your living space – even if you are used to being a slob, out of respect for your roommate, keep your stuff picked up. Keep in mind that you wouldn’t want someone else’s crap all over your living space if you were trying to work or have visitors.

Coming soon… my thoughts on these rules and a few tips of my own…


Linn said...

Your post couldn't be any more true. For me, the biggest adjustment to college has been my complete loss of privacy. I agree with all the tips you posted. In almost any situation it's best to adress it right away before it turns into something bigger. I'm having issues with my roommate right now and I know I need to let her know what's up but it's so much easier to confront someone when you don't share an 8X10 room with them...

Survivor said...

I agree with you in every tip that you have mentioned. I think the number one tip would be to communicate with each other. You will never ever settle or figure out anything if you do not set up a way of communication. It will prevent major fights and little disagreements that may progress into a huge ordeal.