Saturday, October 20, 2007

How to Keep your Dorm Room Clean

Before college most students were used to having everything done for them. Whether it be laundry, cooking , cleaning etc. It can be hard for some students to adjust to having to do things themselves once they go to college. I know for me the first two weeks my dorm room was a disaster. I had laundry everywhere (most of it being dirty), the trash can was always overflowing sometimes even having a strange smell to it. It didn't help that my room mate is just a messy as me. No matter how messy you are it is very easy to change your lifestyle to being a little bit cleaner. I found myself getting stressed about how messy my room was and when I cleaned it I actually felt better.
First of all take out your trash. If you do it a couple times a week it won't pile up, over flow, and start to smell. This will make your room appear instantly cleaner. It's also a good idea to put a plastic bag inside of the trash can so it's easy to take out and you won't get things stuck to the bottom of the trash can. I would also recommend putting the trash can in a corner where it's not easily visible, this way you don't have to stare at trash all the time.
Another Idea is to put all of your laundry in a laundry basket in your closet. This seems like common sense but I don't know how many rooms I've seen with laundry all over the floor (mine being one of them). I've found that if you pick it up and put it all in one area your room will seem much cleaner. If it's clean, hang it up or put it in a drawer, this will save you time when you looking for something to wear. You won't have to search through huge piles of clothes trying to find something clean. You could also try doing laundry more often. This way when you do go to do laundry you won't have to do a lot of loads at one time. I know for me it was a pane trying to pull huge laundry baskets down to the laundry room.
The article How to Intensely Clean a Dorm Room suggest making your bed. I know its probably about the last things a college student wants to do. The article states that "A made bed makes a huge difference in the appearance of a dorm room. In tight spaces, a bed is the focal point of the room and may double as a couch and study space. Make sure your bedding is simple and make your bed daily." It's something easy and only takes up about three minuets of your day.
It's also important to vacuum your room once in a while. This will eliminate all the dirt and crumbs that can accumulate over time. If you don't have a vacuum don't worry, all of the RA's have one in their room and they would be happy to let you use it. The article also suggest spot treating any stains, you can buy carpet cleaner at any grocery store. You should also try to dust your room every couple weeks. The article says "Dust particularly attracts itself to electronics, so be sure to dust down computers, stereos, and televisions. You will also need to periodically dust down ceiling corners and walls to remove cobwebs. " This can sometimes take awhile so get you roomate to help you and you'll get done in half the time.
Putting you books on a shelf or in a drawer will also keep your room cleaner. Your books will also be easy to find when your on your way to class. Organizing your desk helps too. I know I get so many papers laying around I can nevr find anything. So buy some folders or something to help you organize your papers so you don't lose anything important.
The last thing I do that helps my room stay cleaner is use air freshner. Nobody likes a room that smells, so either buy the kind in a can, or you can get ones that plug into the wall. this will keep your room constantly fresh smelling. I hope these tips help you keep your room clean, I know that my room has transformed from being a complete mess to actually being clean.


Anonymous said...

When you suggest making your bed every day, I just had to ask whether or not you use a loft. For me, not only does the loft keep the bed and its linens out of sight for the most part, but it also makes it incredibly difficult to make my bed every morning. It requires standing on those metal crossrails on either end of the bed while trying to balance with the sheets. Neither my roommate nor I have ever completely made our beds; we usually just make shure the bottom sheet is wrapped around the mattress and throw the rest of the sheets on. I personally don't think it makes the slightest difference in the over-all cleanliness of our room.

Anonymous said...

One thing to think about: many people have chemical sensitivities or illnesses like asthma which cause them to be extremely sensitive to air fresheners. A dorm room is a place with a lot of people in a very tight space. Your air freshener might make someone very sick, so it is better to clean and eliminate smells rather than cover them up. Just air freshener could actually keep someone from coming to your room if they are allergic.

Beatrice Norling said...

Hmm, if you used the letters from the word 'dormitory,' you can form the words 'dirty room.' A lot of people think dorms are dirty because a lot of people live in them. That's why we should keep dorm rooms clean all the time. Let's remember that it is also our second home. :)