Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ways to Beat Homesickness

Adjusting to college is not easy; it’s so simple to want to just revert back to your old life in high school but unfortunately you can’t. When I first came to college I had a hard time adapting to the new people and new atmosphere. I found myself wanting to go home every weekend to see my family and having things back to the way they used to be. In the article Ten Helpful Hints to Beat College Homesickness explains ways to beat homesickness.

First of all, get involved this is the easiest way to get your mind off the way things used to be. Join a club or a sport, you will instantly meet new people and have fun while doing it. The article states, “Social groups and events are a core part of your college experience. Just glance at a campus calendar or student newspaper to find out what's happening at your school. Attend a sporting event, concert or campus sponsored program.”

Another idea is go out with your friends. It’s very easy to make friends with people in your dorm who are like you and also have similar interests. Keeping busy will keep your mind off being homesick. The article states, “An older student or someone you can confide in can help make your transition from home a little easier. You might even discover your friend is struggling with the same problems as you.” You could also try keeping in touch with your family. It can be difficult not being able to see them everyday, calling them a couple times a week or sending emails will help you stay in touch and feel less disconnected with them.
You could also try contacting an old friend. The article states, “Going separate ways after high school graduation can be a little depressing. After all, these are your friends you've grown up with, survived the last four years of high school with, and shared experiences with like your first kiss, Mr. Boring's history class, prom and lots of other high school memories. But however far apart for school, your friendship isn't over. Plan to do something with your old friends when you are home during a break. You will look forward to the reunion and enjoy remembering old times together.” I’ve found this especially helpful, whenever I’m feeling down I just call my good friends from high school and they are always able to brighten my day. If your feelings homesick hopefully these tips help you to cope and make you college experience the best four years of your life.

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