Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cleaning Out

Cleaning out and getting organized makes me feel really good. Yesterday I took some time to clean out my ever expanding (practically exploding) closet and my desk. I really like to be organized and have everything put in its place, but when I get busy it is hard to stay organized especially when your laundry is taking up half your closest as mine was. I had a great sense of accomplishment once I finished cleaning my closet and desk. It felt really good to de-clutter everything. I threw stuff away I didn’t realize I still had, and I reorganized my closet so that everything had its own place again. I definitely feel more on top of things and more productive. Things are no longer falling out of my closet when I open it, and I don’t have to sort through the massive pile on my desk to find what I am looking for.

As a college student I would encourage you to take a few moments to de-clutter your room. I don’t know what it is about cleaning out, but you’ll feel a lot better after you do, I promise.

1 comment:

The documentor said...

I totally agree with you. I get so stressed out when my room is messy and I can't find anything (even though it seems to be messy a lot). But I've found keeping it clean definetly helps me find things more easily.