Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Avoid Eye Strain while Studying

While studying over the next few weeks be careful not to strain your eyes because it can worsen your vision. I know this to be true from my own experience. After a visit to the eye doctor at the end of my freshman year I found that my vision had gotten worse. I needed a stronger prescription in my contacts to see clearly. Also my suitemate needed glasses after her freshman year after never having eye problems before then. Studies have shown that close reading, studying, and using the computer for prolonged periods of time can have an effect on your vision and can cause headaches and irritated eyes. I read Care of Eyes For Students During Examinations by Dr. Anand Shroff and I learned what precautions I should take these next few weeks to ensure that my eyes don’t get even worse.

What to Avoid:

  • Poor lighting
    • Make sure you can hold the book you’re reading away from you and still be able to see clearly. You do not want to have to have your “nose in the book” to be able to read it. This will reduce eye strain and fatigue which can cause headaches.
  • Extended periods of close reading
    • About every 30 minutes look at distant objects for a few minutes. It sounds dumb, but it will work and it’s an excuse to take a break from studying J
  • Lying down while reading
    • Laying down strains your eye, neck, and back muscles. If sitting while reading make sure you have good support. To reduce headaches, neck aches, and back aches keep the reading material at a comfortable angle.
  • Wearing contacts for long periods of time
    • When you focus on near objects like a book or a computer screen you blink less and your eyes dry out. If you have contacts I am sure you know how annoying it is when your contact lenses stick to your eyes. When the contact sticks to your eye it can cause contact-lens-induced allergies. If you know you will be studying for a long time you should opt to wear your glasses.

1 comment:

Lucy in the Sky said...

I've been having eye problems lately and I'm sure it's because of all of the studying and reading. I sure hope it gets better and that I don't have to get glasses!