Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Birthdays in College

When you go to college a lot of things that you used to get excited about lose their flavor, the best example being birthdays. When you’re in high school, you get to go out to dinner with your family, come home and open presents, then go do whatever you want with your best friends. Everyone at your school had probably known you for a long time, so your day was filled with happy birthday wishes and little gifts from all of your closest friends. Unfortunately, when you go to college, birthdays leave you feeling a little emptier inside than you’re used to. Chances are, very few people will realize that it’s even your birthday, you won’t get to open any presents on your actual birthday, and you will spend your day going to class doing homework.

Today was my roommate’s birthday and I thought I would share a few things that my friends and I did to make her birthday a little more special. One of her close friends bought her a present to give her right at midnight, and while she was occupied with that a few girls on my floor and I decorated our door and our room with colorful birthday decorations. A good idea is to cover your dorm door with paper so that everyone who passes by will know there is a birthday; this way she got more birthday wishes and people who walked by would write personal happy birthday wishes on our door. Although it’s just a little thing, reading little things from all of the people you have met can make your birthday that much better. And since we can’t drive to a nice dinner or anything, a group of girls organized a surprise birthday dinner at Ford dining hall – it’s the thought that counts, right?

And don't lose hope - check your mailbox often around your birthday. Even though snail mail is kind of outdated, its always fun to get cards and boxes in the mail in college - it lets you know someone back at home is thinking of you.

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